Born To Move: The Ultimate Guide To Living A Pain Free Active Lifestyle For The Rest Of Your Life
BRYAN WISDOM has two decades of experience in the health and fitness industry. He started training college athletes in 1996. He received his B.S. in Kinesiology from San Diego State University and his Masters in Education from Loyola Marymount University.
Bryan spent nearly five years training clients in biomechanics at the Egoscue Method exercise therapy company in San Diego, California. He was certified by the NSCA and has worked with NFL, NBA, and professional golfers. He has assisted clients with postural and biomechanical issues and uses exercise to restore the body to proper function. “For me training is about getting to know my clients, and finding the best way to help them attain their goals.”
For the last 16 years, he has served the Lake Norman/Mooresville, NC community as owner/operator of Wisdom Movement Method Fitness (formerly Fitness Together). During that time he has built a great staff. “All my team members go through a very specific training system learning posture and corrective movement. It’s great to see how much of an IMPACT our trainers make in our client’s lives.” In his current practice, Bryan and his team implement a very detailed and progressive client on-boarding process that includes:
• Discussing your detailed health history so the team can have a clear idea of what you have done over the last few years for exercise so that we start training smarter and prevent injuries.
• Cover goals for the year so that we have a clear vision of where you want to go.
• Evaluate four posture photos and the variances of proper posture.
• Analyze your walking gait.
• Evaluate shoulders, hips, knees, ankle, and body alignment so clients can experience a pain free day-to-day existence and thrive.
In this book, you'll learn all the secrets and practical, take away tools to live pain free life for the rest of your life because you were born to move!